DEVAR and LETA Capital announce The State of Phygital 2021

We are happy to share the State of Phygital 2021. In this report#nbsp;we set ourselves a goal to reimagine the concept of “Phygital” and introduce a fresh look at the very fundamentals of it.

The Internet created an entirely new space that changed the usual economic order. On this foundation, multi-billion-dollar companies have grown, creating the products, services and solutions that we use today in our daily lives. If your business is not on the Internet, it is not there. Remember that famous phrase, right?

This industry continues to grow at a multi-fold rate. But it has a limit, too. Have you thought about what will happen the moment the digital economy reaches its ceiling? Notice how quickly new products and solutions related to technologies such as AR/VR, AI, 5G, IoT, etc. are emerging.#nbsp;

What’s interesting is that today the world of physical things is beginning to merge with the digital environment. This new industry is called Phygital. The Internet is moving into the real world, at the intersection of the fusion of physical things and digital content new consumption patterns are being created, and new economic players are emerging.#nbsp;

The boundaries between offline and online are beginning to blur. The volume of the new Phygital industry is projected to be $200 trillion. Changes will affect all areas of the current economy.#nbsp;

Phygital is not only the next revolution, it is the philosophy of the new world order.#nbsp;

Try out Phygital using the smartphone camera and a WebAR technology showcasing some of the real-life examples of Phygital, included in the first industry report prepared by#nbsp;DEVAR#nbsp;and#nbsp;LETA Capital.#nbsp;

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