Today’s world is full of gadgets and electronic devices. Kids start using YouTube before they start to walk! And there are no words about teens, who are using Instagram, TikTok, and other social apps everyday.
Are Gadgets So Unhealthy?
Not at all. Mobile gadgets have become an everyday routine, it’s hard to imagine modern life without them. Some people don’t think that gadgets damage us, but we can’t deny the fact that gadgets distract us from the learning process. But how can we use new technologies as a learning instrument at schools?
Having a big background in developing educational STEM products with Augmented Reality, Devar and MyWebAR teams focused on finding new ways to make learning more interactive and to improve students’ involvement.

What Can We Do?
Brands and social media are actively fighting for kids and teenagers and it’s a big question – can the school compete with YouTube, TikTok and others.
Yes, it can. The most important is to give relevant instruments for schools to compete. We’ve created a service that will help the students use gadgets not just for gaming, we build the virtual bridge between school learning and mobile devices.
MyWebAR allows you to create learning materials without special programming skills. Everyone, except teachers, can use the platform and create AR educational projects in different ways.

What Are the Benefits of AR in Education?
It is well known that interactive learning is much more effective than other learning methods. AR/VR are the technologies based on kinesthetic learning, which provides schools with alternative and comprehensive experiences which can be controlled by teachers in classes. These technologies can change all educational processes making them much more interesting.
SaaS – the Next Game-Changer?
There’s no point in creating another educational app. Just imagine – students have to install and run app every time they start to study. The solution was to create a new user-path when AR is activated without any third-party applications. Now, AR is available in education because of an app-free model which allows you to see augmented reality through your smartphone browser.
MyWebAR supports older devices and can run even on low-end laptops and Chromebooks, making it the most affordable augmented reality solution for education. Cloud-based platform gives students and teachers complete freedom of interaction with augmented reality.
5 Reasons to Use WebAR in Education
We strongly believe that AR technologies can improve school learning and make it easy. You don’t need to have special programming skills, cloud-based redactor makes “AR-Jedi” from every school or university teacher. It’s really fast: with an intuitive interface, it takes 30 seconds to create an AR scene. Also, the pencil or marker is recognized by a common QR scanner, on iOS by a simple camera which makes the platform easy-to-use.

Students are introduced to education through new interactive ways and school learning becomes interesting for more students and teachers also.
By the way! If your favorite experiences have inspired you to get creative with AR, we inviting you to try MyWebAR! More than 500 educational models in 3D library, easy-to-use editor and a lot more for your EdTech projects!